The significance of family portraits

Why Portraits matter

Let’s face it – our phones are overflowing with selfies and blurry kid pics. But there’s something about a well-crafted family portrait that just feels different, right? It’s not just a pretty picture l; it’s a memory bursting with sunshine, laughter, and that special something that makes you appreciate a good professional photographer.

Feeling a little nostalgic? One look at a family portrait can whisk you back to simpler times, filled with warm fuzzies and familiar faces. I get this all the time, just seeing my kids when they were much younger.

For kids, family portraits offer a comforting sense of belonging where they see themselves as part of a bigger picture, a face amongst the others in the family.

Perth is our playground, with stunning beaches and parks. I love seeing a family against this gorgeous scenery. Whether it’s a candid moment at Kings Park or a posed portrait by The Swan River, I can create a timeless piece that reflects how your family was at the time.

All right, so you’ve got your amazing family portraits – now what? Here are some tips for showcasing them.

  • Find the Perfect Spot: Think about the size and style of your portraits. Do they jive with your décor? A prominent spot in the living room is a great choice, sparking conversation and happy memories.
  • Create a Photo Wall: Maybe your children’s pics deserve their special corner. Design a gallery wall or dedicate a shelf to displaying these memories.
  • Fast forward ten years, and if you choose to purchase a digital package, Label everything for easy identification for future generations (because let’s be honest, we forget things).
  • Life’s ever-changing, and so should your family portraits. Update them regularly to reflect your family’s growth and changes.

Treat your family portraits as an investment. Display them where you can see them every day.

Lastly, for those hung, the standard hanging height suggests the centre of the portrait to be approximately 145 cm from the ground.